ACP Coated Screens Scandinavia
Coated Screens Scandinavia AB was founded in 1988. After almost 30 years in the industry as a screen frame manufacturer and retailer of screen products, we have now established ourselves as the most specialized company in screen frames in Sweden.
We have our office and workshop in Stockholm, where we manufacture new aluminum and wooden frames, reframe old frames and sell pre-prepared frames with UV-sensitive photo emulsion or capillary film completely according to your own specific wishes. We only use the highest quality screen cloths in polyester, nylon and stainless steel from Saati and Bopp. We also carry out UV exposures so that we can deliver finished ”press-ready” screens.

For over 35 years, we have worked with re-tensioning and new manufacturing of screen frames. Order from our standard range of wooden or aluminum frames or if you are looking for special frames for your production. We also offer frame tensioning and re-tensioning and pre-repaired frames. Special templates and coating.

Tarkoituksenamme on helpottaa työtäsi koko painatusprosessissa, jotta voit keskittyä omaan liiketoimintaasi. Siksi saat painovalmiita värejä, jotka voit kaataa suoraan koneeseen. Siinä olemme ainoita markkinoilla. Olipa tuotanto, materiaali ja haluttu tulos millainen tahansa, autamme sinua saamaan oikean sävyn oikeaan painoalustaan alkaen vakiosekoituksista aina erikoisyhdistelmiin saakka riippumatta käytetyn värikartan tyypistä. Koska sekoitamme värit itse, voimme sovittaa värimäärän säiliöön siten, että saat täsmälleen tarvittavan määrän ja sävyn – 35 grammasta kuorma-autoon.

In addition to a wide range of screen frames and ink, we supply a full range of screen products such as photo emulsion, capillary film, montage film, Inkjet film, laser film, screen chemical detergent, fabric opener, degreaser, UV varnish, squeegees, coating trays, tape and much more. more.

We offer our customers a complete screen and repro film service, prepress, original work, high resolution imagesetter, repro file prints, color separations and halftone screens (RIP) in CMYK and solid color from EPS, Ai, PDF, PSD files.
We offer our customers a complete frame service including high resolution film printing / film mask from CAD or vector files (Adobe Illustrator) to direct imagesetter printing.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact Us
ACP Coated Screens Scandinavia AB Skarpnäck Gårdsväg 8, 128 31 Skarpnäck, SWEDEN Tel: +46 (0)8-716 09 48 • Info@coatedscreens.se